Heart Change is open to any woman at anytime through the year.  Heart Change classes meet twice weekly.  Monday class explores “ God’s Way vs. Man’s Way”.  Wednesday class alternates between “ A Wise Woman Builds Her House” and “Visionary Mothering”.

It is during this time in Heart Change that we hope to:

  1. Introduce those who do not know Jesus as their Savior to Him.
  2. Help women hope that change, a different future, other than the legacy of generational poverty could be a reality for each woman
  3. Help women develop a hunger for living life God’s way and a desire to seek real change in their lives
  4. Build relationships/friendships with other women who are trying to move in the same direction
  5. Earn the right to be heard  through building a relationship with each woman God brings

We know that it is no accident or arbitrary circumstance when a woman walks through our doors.  Each one is a divine appointment.